
Haiku #7 (The Y Clone)

Haiku #7 was an attempt to create a Yuengling clone.   Recipe cobbled together based on an overview of about 4 recipes.  Tried to take what was similar in each recipe and create something similar.  A one gallon brew was produced with following ingredients:

1) 1.4 lbs Belgian Pilsner
2) 1.0 lbs American 6 Row Malt
3) 0.2 lbs Caramel Malt (60 deg L)
4) 0.3 lbs Flaked Corn
5) 0.2 oz Cascade Pellet Hops (6.8% AA)
6) 0.2 oz Cluster Pellet Hops (7.9% AA)
7) Wyeast 2112 yeast California Lager (Liquid)

Used Starsan sanitizer.

The Mash
Heated 6.0 gal of water to 155-162 deg F.  Added grain (placed grain in a mesh bag).  Cooked for 60 minutes.  

The Sparge
Removed the grain mesh bag and allowed to drip dry.  Used heated water to rinse the grain in the mesh bag and to bring boil volume up to the correct amount.

The Boil
Heated the wort until it began to boil at approximately 210 deg F.  Boil lasted 60 minutes with 0.2 oz of cascade (bittering) hops at 0 min (into boil) then added 0.1 oz of cluster hops (aroma) at 30 min and 55 minutes.  Hops placed in a hop mesh bag for duration of boil.

The Fermentation
After boil, chilled wort to approximately 50 degrees.  Poured cool wort into a 1 gallon glass jug.  Added the yeast.

The yeast began fermentation.  Allowed to sit for 2 weeks.  Fermentation was a little incomplete.  Didn't have a standard bubbling although left town and did not see full fermentation.

The Bottling
Used dextrose and dissolved this in 1/4 cup of water, bottled into 6 x bomber bottles (~650 mL).  Allowed to sit for another 2 weeks.

The Tasting
Opened and tried on 7/27/12. Good carbonation, but the color was too light.  Good color and flavor.  Have to admit not nutty enough to taste like the real stuff.  Beer aged well, more flavorable after about a month refrigerated.

It's my Yuengling Clone
Good flavor, but wrong color
Pennsylvania thing?


Comic Splat - Week 30

Amazing Spider-Man #690
Lizards everywhere
A cure for one but not all
More fun for Spidey

Avengers #28
The Red Hulk Issue
Don't mess with big red muscles
Phoenix Five now know

Captain America #15
The Discordians?
Who the heck are these villains?
Think it's a setup

Winter Soldier #8
Natasha kidnapped
Bucky pulls out all the stops
Will it be too late?


Pat Conroy - South of Broad

Old Mister Conroy you never fail to disappoint.  Just when I need that Southern angst and beautifully written book you always deliver.  You have been delivering this for most of my life.  Having read Lords of Discipline in 80s, being probably the only individual ever to read the Great Santini during Army Jump School in the early 90s, and Beach Music in the 00s, you continue to wax poetic the ups and downs of being from the South.
South of Broad keeps the faith.   One has to wonder if you haven't taken a page from Hemingway and if we shouldn't throw out there a "Conroy Hero"  He has been a steady provider of self reflection, angst, dispair, love lost, and embattered for quite some time.  With each book I have to wonder if the archetype will continue or if a new page is turned?  In the end I love Conroy's use of words, I just wish that the characters could all be happy for once!


Comic Splat - Week 29

A vs X #8
A Namor beat down
Done one now the Phoenix Four
Charles confronts Scott...

Invincible Iron Man #521
Tony Stark captured
Mind controlled by Mandarin
Revolt from within?

Don't Tread On Me?

With rhetoric being the highest before every major election it is always interesitng to see what people choose to put on their cars.  Freedom of Speech being what it is I understand why some people feel that need to put forth their political beliefs with stickers but sometimes it just makes me cringe.  The Gadsden Flag is the latest symbol, taken from our history and repackaged to carry the latest lament of our nation which is centered around people's belief that our government has become too much like England back in the 18th Century.
Understandably I wish historical symbols would not be remade into something else.  Because of its historical significance I just have to laugh as I see them plastered on back of mostly big assed trucks.  The goofiness being that to me the truck is the symbol of American individuality, ruggedness, and stupidity.  I mean where else in the world could you get away driving a vehicle that gets 15 mph gallon?   So to have one plastered on your vehicle I have to wonder what exactly our you protesting?


Comic Splat - Week 28

Captain America #14
D-Man vs Capt A
Friends and or Foes reunite
Sharon's bullet ends it

New Avengers #28
Utopia mind games
Jessica, Clint, and Luke Cage
An endless nightmare


Comic Splat - Week 27

The Amazing Spider-Man #689
The Lizard is cured?
But Connors is still crazy
And infects Modell!

A vs X #7
Phoenix Five attacks
Wanda is Avenger's Ace
Namor goes solo

Invincible Iron Man #520
Tony gets shock
Mandarin controls his source code
He calls him master