
College Football

Yup that time of year again...when the temperatures get cooler, days get shorter, and Saturdays are filled with college cheer. Air Force is looking to return to competitiveness. A frustrating ending for Fisher DeBerry. His 2006 season was his last and unfortunately he did not go out on top or the way he probably wanted. Unusual that AF forced out the architect of the winningest service academy football team but winning teams put people in the seats and seats filled mean more money for the sports program. I am sure that the AF basketball team certainly hasn't helped. A new coach, a new attack, and hopefully some more wins. The new coach, Troy Calhoun, brings a new pedigree. Having been raised in the NFL under the tutelage of Mike Shanahan, the desire is that AF will always be prepared and ready to win. It certainly is a good hire although will having a graduate has the head coach bring to much pressure? We shall see...

2007 Schedule

The Denver Post, using EA Sports NCAA Football 08 reveal that AF will finish an astounding 2-10! Ughhhhh. It predicts only W's against SC St and Wyoming. I think that is a bit low. I predict an 8-4 season! With their only loses coimng from TCU, BYU, CSU, and Notre Dame. A commander and chiefs trophy will make a return visit for an extended time beginning this year! Go AF, Sink Navy and Ground Army!


Magazine Wrap-Up

The New Yorker

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt published an article entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy." The basis of the article is that US really has no strategic interest in supporting Israel. Obviously it is more in depth than that but the purpose of the paper was to stimulate discussion about the lobbying power of Israel and the foreign policy that the US follows in the Middle East (and whether there is a link). The authors, both respected political scientist, have been labeled anti-Semite in some corners which then usually leads to an end of the discussion which is too bad. It is always easy to fall into the trap that there is this big Israeli conspiracy and that the world is secretly being manipulated. Unfortunately too many people assume that this is partially true which is plain ignorant. My opinion is too much of our foreign policy (and for that matter, most of the current policy, is driven too much by lobbying and money. Is it too much to ask for our elected officials to be honorable and do what's right? Am I just naive to think that this is how it as always been and that the dollars changing hands today is just bigger? The sad part of it all is that foreign policy decisions, if they are being swayed by lobbying, are causing deaths to American soldiers and disgrace to our country. I would appreciate a healthy dialogue regardless of labels and I applaud Mearsheimer and Walt for at least trying. Our Middle East policy is in tatters as it is, it would be nice to know that policy is being laid out to benefit our country and ultimately the world.

David Owen puts together a nice article on light pollution. Being a fan of the night sky and seeing the sky from atop Mt Kilimanjaro, I can attest that there is a lot that we don't see! There is a group, International Dark-Sky Association, whose goal is to reduce the night, light signature. I have always thought that the incessant need to put up street lights and light everything up is silly and expensive. Image how much towns could save by making it dark again? The article moved beyond the night sky and launched into a discussion on circadian rhythms. Pervasive artificial illumination has begun to possibly interfere with our biological machinery. One such link is cancer, specifically breast cancer in women in the industrialized world. A researcher on a whim studied the link of nighttime employment and found a strong association between working at night and an increased risk of cancer. In addition migrating birds can be fooled by artificial lights. Finally the need for lighting is supposedly to deter thieves but because of the common place night time light criminals really don't stand out and basically fade into the background. Know imagine if it was dark a flashlight was needed? Interesting article.


On to a later topic: Standards as in what makes a kilogram, a meter, or a second? Well Wired is telling us:

Kilogram: 215 x 10^23 silicon atoms
Meter: Distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 seconds
Second: The time it takes for cesium-133 atom to cycle 9,192,631,770 times between to specific quantum states


Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Entry - Commute

Accidents, weather
All norm for the daily grind
Vacation is bliss


Off The Wall Comics

I've been reading comics now for about 20 - 25 years and well I guess I've been a bit jaded lately. Kind of tired of the same old same. Looking for something out on a limb, something that catches my eye. Always a visual kind of reader, I've been attracted to both the story and the art. Problem with too many books today is that the artist and writer just don't connect. Comics is a visual whiteboard and I believe the essence of the medium. Anyway these three books have captured my eye (interesting that these three all come from Image, a company that practically destroyed the comic world because it took the art form to an extreme believing ((well us readers did clamor for it..)) that art was the form and writing was just a sidebar (((Youngbloods, WildCATS, Cyberforce, Spawn))). Looking back it was kind of a natural evolution...Marvel road the wave of great art (Lee, Silvestri, McFarland, and Liefield) but I think we forget that these artist also had great writer's and great characters (X-men, Spider-Man, and New Mutants ((errr not really))). So anyway these books are interesting...

Killing Girl
The art is catchy. The story has potential. Only one issue into this but love the vibrant colors...and a story that makes me want to read issue 2. Really that is all you can expect from a first issue. Too early to say if the story can carry it but it at least gets you off the shelf and into someones hands.


Kind of a hard boiled, in your face book. Caught this one at issue 3 so need to get the complete read. Art almost falls into the Aeon Flux category. This title sums up the book with an "edge" Good characters (kind of tarantino like, along with the dialogue) and well any character that has F*&k Y*u tattooed on her belly obviously means business.


The most developed book of them all. This one has 8 issues in the bag. The artist get noticed in the entertainment weekly "it" issue so I tracked him down (artist is also working on the Umbrella Academy which I have mentioned in previous posts). I have the first 8 issues hard back collection and have been reading it. The first issue is great. Again great back story and good art. The art isn't that over the top superhero style rather it is underdeveloped, a bit rough that adds to the storytelling experience.


Colorado Rockies - Week 21

A 4-3 week against the Pirates and Nationals. Not a pretty homestand and if it wasn't that come from behind win against the Nationals on Friday night who knows what would've happened to our Roxs. They sort of salvaged the homestand but certainly didn't make up the ground they could have. Again against the dregs of the league, TB, KC, WSH, PIT, HOU, and FL, the Roxs are 16-14. When the Roxs look back at what could have been they will see this and shake their heads. The Roxs are tied for 3rd place (6.5 behind) and 3.5 behind in the wild card chase. The Roxs currently stand at 67 - 63. Currently 39-26 at home and 28-37 on the road, the Roxs have outscored its opponents 662-621 (expected wins is 69 versus historical wins at 60). On pace for 83 wins. Roxs graphical wins (home in Purple, away in grey)

This week's WPA leaders:

Jimenez has really settled into his own. Granted this is his is first pass through the teams but he's got something. Morales came back to earth, Fuentes is still trying to find it, Tulo and Matsui both had good weeks, and gramps, helton, continues to show the team some leadership. Can we get October baseball for him?

Yearly WPA list:


Game 128 - Colorado Rockies

Game 128

What to say about the Roxs vs the Nats on a Friday night that just happened to be 80's night? Well if the offensive was any indication through 8 innings then I'm glad we weren't playing during the 80s! A listless game...the Roxs had runners on 3rd twice with 1 out or less and failed to get the run home. The Nats meanwhile built a 5 - 1 lead going into the 9th with their ace closer Cordero coming in. Up to this point the Roxs had just gone 1-3 against the pitiful Pirates and as any hope of a wild card was slowly slipping away the Roxs found life. First pitch, Tulo gets on...second pitch Holliday hits a homerun to the bullpen, 5 -3 hmmm things get interesting. Helton then singles, Atkins doubles, and Hawpe walks. Bases loaded, no outs. Torrealba knocks a single, two runs score the game is tied! A sac bunt gets runners to 2nd and 3rd. A pinch hitter gets the 2nd out. My man Matsui steps to the place, runners on 2nd and 3rd, 2 outs, tied game. Can we eck out one more run? A sharp liner to right of the 2B, Matsui is flying, a bobble with the ball, Matsui safe, runner scores, Rockies WIN....yeah! I think it saved our playoff hopes!

Good win...


This Week In Comics

Batman 668
Wow a real detective story? Morrison continues his strong stories. This one again centers on all the "cheap" imitations of the real "Batman". A welcome reprieve from the Gotham villains, which Morrison really hasn't exploited. Missed the art normal art team. Not a big fan of J.H. Williams' art. Interesting page layouts but poor follow through as the advertising really interrupted the flow. Interesting to see what happens.

Astonishing X-men 22
Once again Whedon shows that he is the best X-writer in the last 15 years. Amazing storyline, captures the imagination, strong characters, and unbelievable cliffhangers. Whedon has a thing for really beating down my favorite character. This one really leaves Cyke floating into oblivion. First he loses his optic blast, now he is floating into space, but at least he is still the leader, always the leader. Some great lines in this one, Beast's line about, "You know, I thought I'd have a lot more fun if I ever got to say this...that's no moon." and Wolverine's "Good Luck, Summers". That last one is the essence between Wolverine and Cyke. The dueling egos, the constant professionals, the love of the same woman, the constant sparing between two great heroes but in the end the endless respect that both have for each other. Good stuff...good book...not happy about only 2 issues left :-(

Captain America 29
Big week two incredible storylines. Brubaker is doing a tremendous job telling a complex tale and keeping it interesting. I really need to get his first 24 issues! Anyway Winter Soldier plays his card but gets trumped (for now), Stark is realizing that SHIELD is a giant mess and a sinking ship, and hey we even get Natasha doing her best imitation of Spidey. Kind of a linking issue...no real eye openers...but another piece of the puzzle to ponder over.

Ultimate Spider-Man 112
New artist! A welcome site...I was getting tired of Bagley's art...not that it wasn't a heck of a run but it was getting dated. Immonen adds some life to the characters. A new perspective, a new starting point. The story seems a bit fresher...some of the previous series were getting a bit drawn out. Anyway not much to report, a lead off story laying the foundation of the spidey and the goblin.

X-men 202
Reading all the x-books for the endangered species back story makes me realize there are too many mutants running around. When you read Astonishing X-men you get the point...there are 6 tight characters with a good team dynamic. Some of these other books just have too many mutants running around. No dynamic just we have these important characters that should be in a book but their not so let's throw them in. This issue has the new x-men in it which just makes it all the more busy. Aren't they busy with Magik? Ughhhh. At least we have Mr Sinister...he is always a good baddie.

New X-men 41
Well the quest for Magik is completed...yet no Magik at least not one that isn't still in Limbo. Of course what the x-teams don't need is another character but it was a nice diversion to see an old school mutant. This issue we got a surprise panel of spidey and Dr Strange. How about that? And a nice appearance of the astonishing group even though they are light years away in space...can't we sort of have some continuity. How about some book cancellations and get the core X groups together. Really two x-teams and a new mutant type book is all you need. Readers do appreciate some continuity (even though we now that Wolverine has a personal time dilation device which allows him to be in all the books simultaneously! Ha). Anyway the quest for Magik story was a bit disappointed. For 4-5 books all we did was establish that Magik is around and now she is in charge of limbo. No real character developments...pretty weak.


Wednesday Haiku

Haiku Entry - Work

Monday to Friday
Traffic, email, deadlines, yuck!
Got lottery picks?



Things that make you go hmmmm...like the new Burj Dubai. A mammouth new skyscraper being build in the desert. Rising to an unknown heigt it is spectulated that it will reach 800 meters! Talking about raising the bar, see the graph below on height through the years. Now that is some ego being built in the desert!


Colorado Rockies - Week 20

A 2-4 week against the Padres and Dodgers (always a tough road trip). Could've, should've, would've type week. Could have been easily 4-2 during the trip. The Roxs just can't put things away. Not to mention a tough week on the mound for starting pitching. With Cook missing a start, the Roxs had to call up another prospect in Frankie Morales. Guess it is good these guys are getting a shot especially during a wild card chase. I realize I said wild card chase but frankly with Arizona playing the way it is, I don't think the Roxs are going to catch them especially being 7 games out with 39 to play...of course we get them 6 more times so nothing is totally out. Tough week overall, be good to get home and have the Pirates for 4 and the Nats for 3. If we don't have a 6-1 week, then forget about it as of now we are 3.0 games out of the wild card race. The Roxs currently stand at 63 - 60. Currently 35-23 at home and 28-37 on the road, the Roxs have outscored its opponents 627-588 (expected wins is 65 versus historical wins at 57). On pace for 83 wins. Roxs graphical wins (home in Purple, away in grey) Hardball Times had a nice article on the NL West, kind of a review of what they predicted. The Roxs are at least doing a little bit better...the consensus had them finishing last in the division. The prediction markets still indicate the Roxs have no chance. Even with their recent play and at one time only being 3.5 out and there is still no national love for the Roxs...oh well!

For the week lots of titanic collapses from pitchers this week especially Affeldt. If teams win and lose by their play up the middle then this week was pitiful. Torby, Tulo, Matsui, and Sullivan all were in the negative. Jimenez and Morales both had good weeks. Stewart has also played steadily. Seems we have a bit of a log jam with offense these days (and too many try out roles for pitchers, Elmer Dessens??? eeks!)

Weekly WPA Leaders:


Clive Cussler - Trojan Odyssey

The 17th Dirk Pitt novel and I'm caught up...why caught up you ask...well last summer on vacation I read the 18th novel and suddenly Dirk had two kids and he was head of NUMA and yada yada yada. I had not read a Dirk Pitt book since Sahara so I had no ideal what was going on. In an effort to change that I went back and started reading the ones I missed so I could catch up. Well 16th novel introduces his long lost kids from way back in his first novel. The kids much like Clive's son seems to be taking over for the intrepid Dirk senior. With this one both Al and Dirk appear to be disappearing into the admin of NUMA and Dirk Jr and Summer start to take over. Especially surprising was Dirk's decision to finally get married! My question is when does Dirk finally bite it? My guess is he'll go done to save his kids and that will be Clive's final book. Or he'll sail off to sea never to be heard from again. Anyway as is the usual formula, Clive gives us a little history lesson. This one actually is pretty interesting. Based on a book, Where Troy Once Stood by Iman Wilkens, it lays out a theory that Troy was actually in England and that the Battle of Troy was fought over tin between warring Celtic tribes. Looking into it a bit further it seems plausible but I guess Greek historians aren't ready to take the leap on this one. Not for sure why...this could be a "In Search Of..." (bring back Nimoy, bring back the show!). Anyway this book is an above average Pitt adventure as well as Black Wind. Perhaps his son's influence is allowing for some better story telling as some of the teen books were a bit dry. Don't forget Uffington White Horse



In the great state of Ohio for work. Always interesting to see another part of the country. It is interesting to pick up on the little things that make the region a bit different from home. Couple of things I've noticed...people are overweight and they smoke alot. When I mean alot it means almost like chain smoking. You just don't see that in Colorado. Other things of note: On Friday I was trying to find the Dan Patrick show on ESPN on AM. Go figure the ESPN station had Jim Rome on during the time spot (how is that if you are an ESPN station and you switch?...girrrr). Anyway in my effort to find anything resembling Dan I did come across like 9 Rush stations. Good golly I know Ohio is an important battleground state on all but do you really need 9 Rush stations? Frightening what 20 electoral college votes can do to a state.
Went into Cleveland today and went to the Rock and Roll Museum. Decent exhibits although not terribly well laid out. I prefer the EMP in Seattle. Interesting things of note is that famous people are alot smaller then what you think. They had U2 outfits and Bono is kind of tiny. Decent Doors exhibit. Hard to believe the Doors were only together from '67 to '71. Oh and by the way if Cleveland is the birthplace of rock and roll where are all the good radio stations? Ughhh, I've been driving around not listening to anything because the music is awful. Lake Erie is a big lake. Cleveland isn't a very exciting downtown. Drove around not much to see. Saw the Jake and the Q. LeBron has a huge Nike billboard in town saying, "We are all witnesses". Witness to what? Bad basketball? Missed seeing the Indians...oh well. Also if I'm from a town I probably don't want to live in a town when during traffic reports they talk about the "dead man's curve!"
Did find a nice running spot in the Cuyahuga Falls National Park. They have a 30 mile trail following the old Ohio and Erie canal from Akron to Cleveland. Ran in the rain today and it was a downpour. Of course driving back to the hotel it stopped! Only five more days and back to Colorado...the more you travel the more you like being at home!


Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Entry - School

Where did summer go?
Pens, paper, homework - oh my
Need a time machine


Magazine Stuff


Make a glowstick!

Distilled Water, 2 L
Hydrogen Peroxide (3% Concentration), 50 mL
Luminol, 0.2 g
Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash), 4 g
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate, 0.4 g
Ammonium Carbonate, 0.5 g

Add hydrogen peroxide to 1 L of distilled water to one bowl. In another bowl dissolve luminol, sodium carbonate, copper sulfate, and ammonium carbonate in 1 L of distilled water.

Use sealable clear containers and pour equal measures of each solution into the container. The hydrogen peroxide solution oxidizes the luminol producing 3-aminophthalic acid. As electrons drop to a lower quantum state, a photon is emitted at wavelengths between 430 and 470 nm or a purplish blue.

New Yorker

About every 4th issue the New Yorker has articles in which I read practically every one. This one had its usual wide spectrum of topics...

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome - Awful genetic disorder but amazing how one genetic defect causes a protein to not function and result in a phenotype where the individual (only males) have a predisposition of causing physical harm to themselves among other things.

CIA Black Sites - Horrendous article about torture but interesting in that they used SERE techniques as there starting point for how to torture. Having gone through SERE myself I can comment that just spending 3 days in a "camp" can begin to make things go weird. The droning music, the dark closet, the "discussions", and stress positions was an interesting simulation.

Olive Oil - You might be getting hazelnut oil!

Joe Kittinger - OK if you think Chuck Yeager was a stud or Scott Crossfield...check out what Joe Kittinger is famous for! On August 16, 1960 he made the final jump from the Excelsior III at 102,800 feet (19.5 miles!). Towing a small drogue chute for stabilization, he fell for 4 minutes and 36 seconds reaching a maximum speed of 614 mph (1,149 km/h) before opening his parachute at 18,000 feet. The journey took about 14 minutes. The picture says it all...I mean that's high.


Colorado Rockies - Week 19

A 5-2 week against the Brewers and Cubs. Two Central leaders battling it out. The Roxs fortunately got both of them in a slump. A series sweep against the brew crew and a split with the lovable losers. Another good week for the Roxs who are still hanging around and have moved ahead of the Dodgers and moved into 3rd, 5.0 out of first and 2.0 out of the wild card race. The Roxs currently stand at 61 - 56. Currently 35-23 at home and 26-33 on the road, the Roxs have outscored its opponents 601-555 (expected wins is 63 versus historical wins at 54). The Roxs outscored opponents 61 - 31 this week alone! On pace for 84 wins (getting into Wild Card territory. Big West Coast road trip with 3 in San Diego and 3 in LA. A sweep in SD would put us in 2nd and well LA is always tough. One thing I read this week was how Arizona was doing it? They currently have been outscored 502 - 523 and yet have a 67 - 52. Having been outscored their expected win total is only 57 so they are playing 10 games over their collective heads. What does this mean? Well I hope the law of averages starts to catch up with them. 10 games over means they been really lucky! One other interesting note from last week. Tim Harikkala's last start was in 1996! 11 years between starts...way he pitched probably going to be another 11 years! Roxs graphical wins (home in Purple, away in grey)

Few other issues for the week. Bonds became the HR king...thank god he didn't do it in Colorado or against the Roxs. Don't really have an opinion on him breaking the record. Didn't watch don't care to. Not a Bonds fan but glad he is no longer front and center in the baseball world. As with any era in baseball, things come and go. Performance enhancement was just another issue that baseball will have to endure much like integration, gambling, and salary issues. The link below is a decent article and I like one of his conclusions,

In this way 756 is a sign of our times, in which there are no longer any truths, only perspectives, opinions, fragments, and the kind of anti-foundational stuff that gave night tremors to Nietzsche, Foucault, et al. - Brian Gunn @ Baseball Analysts

Another interesting point is Jason Whitlock's take. I had no ideal who Jason was but heard him as a fill in for Jim Rome and he is an opinionated educated sports commentator. Bottom line the Media hates Bonds and controversy sells news so in the news cycle we live in it is easy to vilify an athlete and sweep the bigger issues aside.

To end on a postive note...on Mike and Mike in the Morning...they interviewed a boyhood Braves hero for many, Dale Murphy. An on the cuff hall of famer who at least kept the Braves afloat for many a year in the 80s when not much was going on in Atlanta. It was always a disappointment that he was cast off before the Braves made their spectacular playoff run. Throw in the fact that he had a cup of coffee with the Roxs in 1993 and bottom line is he is what is good about baseball.


Used the neat tool to compare players at FanGraphs and compared Murphy to Todd Helton and uh oh Todd might not have too much slugging power left!

Roxs weekly WPA leaders:


Game 116 - Colorado Rockies

Game 116
Second game at Coors Field this year. 4th game in person. I see the Cubbies every year in Denver just because I enjoy being heckled from Cubs fans. Amazing how many Chicago fans come out of the woodwork. Guess all of those years with no MLB in Denver people gravitated to the one team that was sort of close...
Anyway great game. Good game through 5 1/2 then the offensive machine that is the Roxs at home took over. Surprise to see Ian Stewart starting for the Roxs and Atkins at 1B. Is this the future? This was Stewart's first game as a Rox. He was 0-2 but scored a run after being HBP. Even saw Barmes back. Next year could very well be Stewart, Tulo, Barmes, and Atkins manning the infield. Would love to have Matsui back but my guess is he'll take the money. Helton? He's got a year or two left in the tank...trade him to a contender and get another pitcher. Painfully clear the Rox's are missing an arm. Would have been nice to have Jennings down the stretch esp with Hirsh and Taveras not doing too much. Our march to the playoffs would certainly be helped with a Jennings, Francis, and Cook lineup instead of Francis, Cook, Fogg, Uncertain, and More Uncertain. Something to think about in the off season - Dan, assuming you are still around!
Saw home runs at Coors! Wow a lost art although Carroll's grand salami barely made if over the LF wall...it was a squeaker...I really thought it was caught! Fogg had a 35 pitch first inning but kept it going. A gusty much needed performance. Great game!


Neal Stephenson's - The System of the World

One year later, 2,700 pages later - I've completed the Baroque Cycle...whew! Last book was a hurdle but finally put it to rest. What to say? Well surprisingly it is a massive story and the good thing is the three main characters, Daniel, Eliza, and Jack were a captivating bunch. In retrospect, the Confusion is probably the best of the three. Jack's (mis)adventure is a grand story and his lost love to seeing her again is a good story. This last book had less of my two favorite characters, Jack and Eliza, and more of Daniel who at least became a real character not just some shadow character to Newton. The 60 - 70 years that these books spanned was truly and amazing time in history. Not being an 18th century buff I can't tell how much license Neal took in writing this but I am sure the facts are there. Newton and Leibniz both existed...Newton was the head of the mint. Lots of other historical appearances. An interesting time I am sure. Overall a good series, a bit detailed in parts which sometimes gets in the way of the story. Bit disappointed about Eliza and Jack although it is my guess they get back together. Will have to reread cryptonomicon again since the characters all are descendants. One question I do have for Neal is how in the hell do you ever put something like this together? I could see if it just took place in England but it spans the globe. The many interactions of characters, the history, the intrigue, the science, and the rise of an economy of nations. A truly inspiring set of books. Hard to put into words what the story could mean. Radical and interesting. If you have the time...yeah...go for it...it is rewarding in much of the same way as Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.


This Week in Comics

Batman 667
Another interesting direction for Morrison's Batman. Have to give him credit, he is moving the character is an interesting direction. I imagine with 667 issues writer's have a difficult time moving a character in new directions or ideals. The last couple issues with is son, Damian, and the 666 issue was actually pretty good. This new storyline of different batmans in each country is pretty interesting. Good start off...have to give Morrison credit for taking famous characters and keeping it interesting...I loved what he did with the X-men which really lead to Weddon's run.

New Avengers 33
Another new direction, the bomb that was two issues ago, Elektra a skrull, has basically led to two issues of whining superheroes freaked out about who is who. Bendis then brings in the Hood which I have never heard of (ahh just read the wiki entry and it a new character...whoopee...don't care). Wish Bendis kept moving in the skrull direction instead of taking these side streets. Also the art is getting old...come home if I went chicken scratch I will do my own drawings!

Omega Flight #5
OK well you knew my excitement 6 months ago when this came out and well now its over. Yippee...really a horrible way to kill a decent ideal, Marvel. Come on, Alpha Flight has always had a place in Marvel X-lore. It was a decent book with good characters. This looked like a worthy restart but seeing the storyline cobbled together to fit a 5 book mini-series really made this just awful. Not pleased! Now I guess they will be in Marvel's new weekly book coming out in September? We shall see...what a big disappointment!

Powers 25
A new storyline! Alrighty I've been following Powers since issue 1 and I knew Deena got powers but from a powers virus? Guess I'm a big dummy and never picked up on that...how well. What is great about Powers is Bendis and Oeming don't take the book too seriously. I mean they screw with their characters but the book is willing to go pretty much anywhere. It is Bendis's playground. I mean who could get away with the Monkey issue? Now this one (ohh it's got a facelift...more pages...stiffer paper, yup stiffer!) has the a 2 page spread of Walker doing what a million year old man does. Go figure. Anyway will be interesting to see how the Walker/Deena conflict pans out.


Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Entry - Fair

Livestock smells abound
Sweet, sticky cotton candy
Spin, shake tummy ache


San Jose Del Cabo

Fabolous 5 day, 4 night stay on the southern tip of baja california. Stayed away from the hussle and bussle of Cabo San Lucas and stayed at the Casa Natalia in San Jose del Cabo. A "small luxary hotel" it was a nice getaway. The town itself was a bit rustic but always interesting to see how other people in the world live. Was a bit surprised by the prices but I imagine all food and drink has to be freighted in. The tip of baja, although surrounded by water, is a desert. No agriculture. The beach was great. Big waves, not a great swimming beach but to listen to the crash of waves each day was well worth it. The sand was not soft sand but rather rough. One can be spoiled by the sand in Florida! Big mountains in the area, the Sierra de la Laguna range. The pennisula streches over 800 miles from California!


Colorado Rockies - Week 18

A 3-3 week against Florida and the Braves. A traditionally difficult road trip. The Roxs had opportunities but lost a few close ones. A good week for the Roxs who are still hanging around. Still comfortably in 4th place, 5.5 out of first (due to those crazy D-backs, why are their rookies better than ours?), and 3.0 out of the wild card race. The Roxs currently stand at 56 - 54. Currently 30-21 at home and 26-33 on the road, the Roxs have outscored its opponents 540-524 (expected wins is 57 versus historical wins at 51). On pace for 82 wins. Nothing happened at the trade deadline. It would have been nice to have the Roxs newsworthy but frankly there wasn't any real talent out there so it is good we hung on to our prospects. San Diego was the only one who really spent and they didn't really get much.

Listening to the Mets/Braves game tonight and heard the announcer make a snide comment about the Roxs winning record at home versus away and wondered what the Roxs have done over the years. Anyway the most road wins is 36 in 1997 although their best winning percentage was the strike shortened wild card year at 0.467. The Roxs win an average of 31 road games a year and have posted a 0.543 winning percentage at home over the years and only a 0.387 percentage away from the Rocky Mountains...hmmmm. This year they have 26 wins and have a 0.441 percentage or on pace for 36 wins. Can we get another Wild Card?. Roxs graphical wins (home in Purple, away in grey)

Weekly WPA Leaders:


Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Entry - Colorado

Centennial State
Purple Mountain Majesties
Smile, we are here!