
Classic Movies - At Least for Me! (Part 2)

Honorable Mention - Part 2

My first serious movie to hit the list. Not for sure what this movie does for me but when I first saw it, it really struck a nerve. Speilberg's second foray into a serious movie (I think this came after A Color Purple) and it follows a young boy captured by the Japanese during World War 2. Two scenes really made an impression and that was when the planes (P-51s I believe, although I didn't think they made it to the Pacific Theater??) and then at the end of the movie when the bright light is seen on the horizon indicating the end of the war. The soundtrack is beautiful and I am always amazed that the young boy was Christian Bale.

My father and I first watched this movie together. It was one of those wild rentals that you didn't know what to expect but gave it a shot becasue the cover art looked interesting. What a great movie. It wasn't until college that it turned into this cult film, "There can be only one!" But then the next film came out and it turned out to be awful and suddenly it wasn't so cultist and then all the back pedaling and a re-release and then the third one and then the TV show. Throw in the deleted scenes from the first one and it just took a life of its own. Great movie though, great concept, good fights, and great fight filming.


Classic Movies - At Least for Me!

Over the extended Christmas break this year I decided my sons needed to see some of the classics. Movies started to roll through my mind and I got to thinking what are my classic movies?

Honorable Mentions

Okay so my Movie hey days were the late 80s and early 90s. As in music the movies that seem to mean the most to you are kind of silly but I've always had a soft spot for the original Predator. Much like the story "The Most Dangerous Game" it pits ex-special forces troops against an alien out for sport. Classic motif and the testerone sprouting from this movie is just the apex of all those classic Arnold films. No meaning no sense just good ole American movie silliness. Classic line..."If it bleeds, we can kill it!"

What can I say...it's got pre-Neo and ex-Dirty Dancer. What more could you ask for? This movie just keeps on ticking, no stop! This is about the time I was in college when the whole extreme sports thing began its roots (can anyone remember Dan Cortes?) and Point Break has it all...parachuting, surfing, gun battles, car chases, and whatever else you can think of. The vibe the movie puts out is what makes this movie rememberable and like I said these aren't the greatest things put on celluloid but for a fun night drinking a few brews and watching with your best buds, it's a classic

This movie got me through high school...whenever it was a rough day my best friend and I would simply start reciting Airplane I and II movie quotes and things just seemed to roll on. Surely you can't be series? Yes, Yes I am and don't call me Shirley! I saw Airplane I on HBO back in the day and actually saw Airplane II in the theatre. Wow what a laugh. I actually watched this one with the kids and kept on chuckling throughout with both of my boys sometimes asking, "What? What is so funny dad?" and I would just say that it goes way back. Way back, "No bridge?", "We'll get it down, and down safe"


Blizzard 2006

I survived the Blizzard of 2006! Not quite has bad as the Blizzard 2002 but interesting all the same. My new puppy, greyhound, loves the outside (which is crazy) and loved pouncing in the snow. Of course this morning the snow was a bit deeper than yesterday...


Neal Stephenson's - The Confusion

Made it through book 2! Only took me 3 months and lots of airplane trips and everything but finally got through it. Best part of the book was the last 75 pages but interesting none the less. Looking back I wasn't going to tackle this "cycle" as it wasn't really sci-fi and historical sci-fi (is that a category?) isn't all that but I decided that it was a challenge and since I travel a fair bit it was worth giving it a shot. Both of the books have been interesting from a historical stand point. I wish I could track down some accuracy on some of the events. I have read that some of "history" is made up while the historical characters are somewhat true to their character. Jack's adventure around the world was the better of the two books that made of the con-fuse book. Eliza didn't play as big of a role in this story as she did in the first book. Now that I have read two of them I am on to the third...ughhhh...hopefully it ends well. The love story is a very central part of this cycle...

Star Trek Voyager

I know, I know...how can I possibly be rehashing an old worn out Star Trek franchise? Well I'm not a trekkie per se, I have seen Deana Troi in person at a California Space Convention (saw Luke Skywalker too!) but it's not a religion for me. I do remember when Star Trek The Next Generation came out and I remember how goofy that first season was when all the characters were trying to reinvent Star Trek and find that inner federation feeling. I grew with TNG and enjoy watching episodes...loved the holodeck and especially remember the episode when Riker met the jazz singer and fell in love. But I digress...so when Voyager came along (I wasn't a big fan of Deep Space 9) I really gave it a try. Again I survived the first season and did enjoy the characters but then I moved, the UPN thing started, didn't have UPN, and then only caught bits and pieces. Then I completely fell off the planet and missed Season 7. Well never thought much of it...did wonder how they made it back...and it wasn't until Netflix that I jumped in and had all 7 season 7 discs sent over about a 4 month period...Yikes. Decent season some loose ends closing up and then disc 7 magically arrives. I thought there'd be some lead up episodes some flashbacks, you know memory lane stuff but disc 7 is "Endgame". The last episode...done! Was a bit surprised did take the temporal plot and gave a pretty good ending. Loved the TNG ending, don't quite remember DS9's, but like Voyager...even started enjoying the characters by the end. Too bad that the franchise is in hibernation. It was a good run...will be interesting what they do when they bring it back in 20 years. How will the Federation change?

This Week in Comics

The Escapist #6 is the final issue for Brian K. Vaughan's good little yarn. I throughly enjoyed this 6 run mini-series. It was a good story, the Escapist is a great character...I wish someone would do a long term run on this character. Loved the artwork and loved the front and back cover art especially with the high profile artist. The Escapist is the little hero that could...

Egads...where is this book going why start the new series off with such a wild ass plot line. Who exactly is or isn't a member where are the big three? Oh why can't I ever seem to get into any DC book. The mythos is just too big sometimes. It is like swimming uphill...I don't even know where to start. The villian is supposed to be revealed but once revealed I don't even know who it is! Art is pretty though!

New book....always looking for a new book. X-23 is a blatant wolverine take off but with a prettier and less hairy chest. I'll give it a go just to get some fresh characters but I will hold judgement!


Rockies Hot Stove Action

Finally the Roxs do something during the off season. Now this trade is really tough to gauge. For one side, it seems the management is giving up a home grown talent and not willing to pay fair money for someone entering free agency in a year. Last year Jason Jennings at age 28 made $4,500,000. Looking at the winter signings it is probable that this 58 - 56 pitcher would probably command upwards of $12,000,000 a year (see Gil Meche!). For a pitcher who has slogged through 6 years at Coors Field with no injuries and 941 innings pitched it would seem that giving a 3 - 5 year deal was probably not that wise. Odds are that after another year, JJ would have moved on and the Roxs left with nothing. The way I see this deal is that the Roxs stole a couple of players from Houston. Not only did the Roxs find that elusive Centerfielder they also made away with two younger pitchers with some upside. Obviously 2007 will justify the trade but at least the Roxs made a move to keep up with the national league west. The Roxs have to make a move this year otherwise a fire sale is coming withnthe likes of Matt Holliday coming up for free agency. Perhaps not signing JJ for an extended amount opens up some room to keep some offense. Now if we can only find a suitor for Helton...


Artist Feature - James Jean

As an avid comic book reader, I have always enjoyed the synergy between a great writer and artist. As a visual person I enjoy what the artist creates. To me a great book has to have both elements that complement what the writer is trying to get across and what the artist thinks the story should be. Unfortunately I don't think all books written really try to get both of these ideals across...which is a shame. Todays comic books have started a trend of having a separate artist do the cover. The one that comes across the most is Adam Hughes. I would like to add James Jean to the mix. A talented illustrator who does Fables. I love his work. It is visually appealing and worth much more than just a cover. The website is a fantastic grouping of all his work...check it out www.processrecess.com


Comic Reviews

New Universal #1 is a retread of a horribly failed experiment but for nostalgia reasons I have to give it a thumbs up. Not for sure why it didn't work (okay besides Merc and Kickers Inc.) there was some good ideals which didn't get a fair shake. Star Brand really turned into something...I mean they destroyed Pittsburg! Anyway I was a big fan of PsiForce. Of course I also read Strikeforce Mortimori (sp?) so shoot me...sometimes comics take themselves too series. Writers should remember to have fun...probably why spiderman has been as successful as he has. Anyway I will need to dig deep to try and remember the new universe but what the heck...

Bendis's best book by far continues to work well although his long story lines get lost. Perhaps I lose sight of things but I wish he would get the stories along and keep them a bit tighter. Throw in the fact that Pilgram and Deena have a lot of skeletons in the closet...I just wish he would explore their characterization better.


Silversun Pickups

Watching Letterman on a whim the other night and saw this band. Have to admit I was attracted to the bass player at first. But the music turned out to be okay! Even went out and bought the album. Put in on my nano and have been listening to it off and on. Not too bad a little like smashing pumpkins but some good music. They are certainly in my queue and the song "Lazy Eye" rocks. I love the cresendo at the end.

By the way this writing once a day is alot harder than it looks. The big thing is time. I am amazed, I thought typing out some thoughts each day would be simple. I will need to work a bit harder. A new year's resolution!