
Classic Movies - At Least for Me! (Part 2)

Honorable Mention - Part 2

My first serious movie to hit the list. Not for sure what this movie does for me but when I first saw it, it really struck a nerve. Speilberg's second foray into a serious movie (I think this came after A Color Purple) and it follows a young boy captured by the Japanese during World War 2. Two scenes really made an impression and that was when the planes (P-51s I believe, although I didn't think they made it to the Pacific Theater??) and then at the end of the movie when the bright light is seen on the horizon indicating the end of the war. The soundtrack is beautiful and I am always amazed that the young boy was Christian Bale.

My father and I first watched this movie together. It was one of those wild rentals that you didn't know what to expect but gave it a shot becasue the cover art looked interesting. What a great movie. It wasn't until college that it turned into this cult film, "There can be only one!" But then the next film came out and it turned out to be awful and suddenly it wasn't so cultist and then all the back pedaling and a re-release and then the third one and then the TV show. Throw in the deleted scenes from the first one and it just took a life of its own. Great movie though, great concept, good fights, and great fight filming.


Classic Movies - At Least for Me!

Over the extended Christmas break this year I decided my sons needed to see some of the classics. Movies started to roll through my mind and I got to thinking what are my classic movies?

Honorable Mentions

Okay so my Movie hey days were the late 80s and early 90s. As in music the movies that seem to mean the most to you are kind of silly but I've always had a soft spot for the original Predator. Much like the story "The Most Dangerous Game" it pits ex-special forces troops against an alien out for sport. Classic motif and the testerone sprouting from this movie is just the apex of all those classic Arnold films. No meaning no sense just good ole American movie silliness. Classic line..."If it bleeds, we can kill it!"

What can I say...it's got pre-Neo and ex-Dirty Dancer. What more could you ask for? This movie just keeps on ticking, no stop! This is about the time I was in college when the whole extreme sports thing began its roots (can anyone remember Dan Cortes?) and Point Break has it all...parachuting, surfing, gun battles, car chases, and whatever else you can think of. The vibe the movie puts out is what makes this movie rememberable and like I said these aren't the greatest things put on celluloid but for a fun night drinking a few brews and watching with your best buds, it's a classic

This movie got me through high school...whenever it was a rough day my best friend and I would simply start reciting Airplane I and II movie quotes and things just seemed to roll on. Surely you can't be series? Yes, Yes I am and don't call me Shirley! I saw Airplane I on HBO back in the day and actually saw Airplane II in the theatre. Wow what a laugh. I actually watched this one with the kids and kept on chuckling throughout with both of my boys sometimes asking, "What? What is so funny dad?" and I would just say that it goes way back. Way back, "No bridge?", "We'll get it down, and down safe"


Blizzard 2006

I survived the Blizzard of 2006! Not quite has bad as the Blizzard 2002 but interesting all the same. My new puppy, greyhound, loves the outside (which is crazy) and loved pouncing in the snow. Of course this morning the snow was a bit deeper than yesterday...


Neal Stephenson's - The Confusion

Made it through book 2! Only took me 3 months and lots of airplane trips and everything but finally got through it. Best part of the book was the last 75 pages but interesting none the less. Looking back I wasn't going to tackle this "cycle" as it wasn't really sci-fi and historical sci-fi (is that a category?) isn't all that but I decided that it was a challenge and since I travel a fair bit it was worth giving it a shot. Both of the books have been interesting from a historical stand point. I wish I could track down some accuracy on some of the events. I have read that some of "history" is made up while the historical characters are somewhat true to their character. Jack's adventure around the world was the better of the two books that made of the con-fuse book. Eliza didn't play as big of a role in this story as she did in the first book. Now that I have read two of them I am on to the third...ughhhh...hopefully it ends well. The love story is a very central part of this cycle...

Star Trek Voyager

I know, I know...how can I possibly be rehashing an old worn out Star Trek franchise? Well I'm not a trekkie per se, I have seen Deana Troi in person at a California Space Convention (saw Luke Skywalker too!) but it's not a religion for me. I do remember when Star Trek The Next Generation came out and I remember how goofy that first season was when all the characters were trying to reinvent Star Trek and find that inner federation feeling. I grew with TNG and enjoy watching episodes...loved the holodeck and especially remember the episode when Riker met the jazz singer and fell in love. But I digress...so when Voyager came along (I wasn't a big fan of Deep Space 9) I really gave it a try. Again I survived the first season and did enjoy the characters but then I moved, the UPN thing started, didn't have UPN, and then only caught bits and pieces. Then I completely fell off the planet and missed Season 7. Well never thought much of it...did wonder how they made it back...and it wasn't until Netflix that I jumped in and had all 7 season 7 discs sent over about a 4 month period...Yikes. Decent season some loose ends closing up and then disc 7 magically arrives. I thought there'd be some lead up episodes some flashbacks, you know memory lane stuff but disc 7 is "Endgame". The last episode...done! Was a bit surprised did take the temporal plot and gave a pretty good ending. Loved the TNG ending, don't quite remember DS9's, but like Voyager...even started enjoying the characters by the end. Too bad that the franchise is in hibernation. It was a good run...will be interesting what they do when they bring it back in 20 years. How will the Federation change?

This Week in Comics

The Escapist #6 is the final issue for Brian K. Vaughan's good little yarn. I throughly enjoyed this 6 run mini-series. It was a good story, the Escapist is a great character...I wish someone would do a long term run on this character. Loved the artwork and loved the front and back cover art especially with the high profile artist. The Escapist is the little hero that could...

Egads...where is this book going why start the new series off with such a wild ass plot line. Who exactly is or isn't a member where are the big three? Oh why can't I ever seem to get into any DC book. The mythos is just too big sometimes. It is like swimming uphill...I don't even know where to start. The villian is supposed to be revealed but once revealed I don't even know who it is! Art is pretty though!

New book....always looking for a new book. X-23 is a blatant wolverine take off but with a prettier and less hairy chest. I'll give it a go just to get some fresh characters but I will hold judgement!


Rockies Hot Stove Action

Finally the Roxs do something during the off season. Now this trade is really tough to gauge. For one side, it seems the management is giving up a home grown talent and not willing to pay fair money for someone entering free agency in a year. Last year Jason Jennings at age 28 made $4,500,000. Looking at the winter signings it is probable that this 58 - 56 pitcher would probably command upwards of $12,000,000 a year (see Gil Meche!). For a pitcher who has slogged through 6 years at Coors Field with no injuries and 941 innings pitched it would seem that giving a 3 - 5 year deal was probably not that wise. Odds are that after another year, JJ would have moved on and the Roxs left with nothing. The way I see this deal is that the Roxs stole a couple of players from Houston. Not only did the Roxs find that elusive Centerfielder they also made away with two younger pitchers with some upside. Obviously 2007 will justify the trade but at least the Roxs made a move to keep up with the national league west. The Roxs have to make a move this year otherwise a fire sale is coming withnthe likes of Matt Holliday coming up for free agency. Perhaps not signing JJ for an extended amount opens up some room to keep some offense. Now if we can only find a suitor for Helton...


Artist Feature - James Jean

As an avid comic book reader, I have always enjoyed the synergy between a great writer and artist. As a visual person I enjoy what the artist creates. To me a great book has to have both elements that complement what the writer is trying to get across and what the artist thinks the story should be. Unfortunately I don't think all books written really try to get both of these ideals across...which is a shame. Todays comic books have started a trend of having a separate artist do the cover. The one that comes across the most is Adam Hughes. I would like to add James Jean to the mix. A talented illustrator who does Fables. I love his work. It is visually appealing and worth much more than just a cover. The website is a fantastic grouping of all his work...check it out www.processrecess.com


Comic Reviews

New Universal #1 is a retread of a horribly failed experiment but for nostalgia reasons I have to give it a thumbs up. Not for sure why it didn't work (okay besides Merc and Kickers Inc.) there was some good ideals which didn't get a fair shake. Star Brand really turned into something...I mean they destroyed Pittsburg! Anyway I was a big fan of PsiForce. Of course I also read Strikeforce Mortimori (sp?) so shoot me...sometimes comics take themselves too series. Writers should remember to have fun...probably why spiderman has been as successful as he has. Anyway I will need to dig deep to try and remember the new universe but what the heck...

Bendis's best book by far continues to work well although his long story lines get lost. Perhaps I lose sight of things but I wish he would get the stories along and keep them a bit tighter. Throw in the fact that Pilgram and Deena have a lot of skeletons in the closet...I just wish he would explore their characterization better.


Silversun Pickups

Watching Letterman on a whim the other night and saw this band. Have to admit I was attracted to the bass player at first. But the music turned out to be okay! Even went out and bought the album. Put in on my nano and have been listening to it off and on. Not too bad a little like smashing pumpkins but some good music. They are certainly in my queue and the song "Lazy Eye" rocks. I love the cresendo at the end.

By the way this writing once a day is alot harder than it looks. The big thing is time. I am amazed, I thought typing out some thoughts each day would be simple. I will need to work a bit harder. A new year's resolution!


Orion the Hunter

With the northern hemisphere spinning into Winter, my constellation is rising in the east. Orion the Hunter is a magical constellation for me. Since my birthday is in January I feel this is my guardian. The stars within the constellation are a fascinating combination. Starting with Betelguese in the upper left, to Bellatrix down to Rigel, and on toe Seiph. The belt starts with Alnitak, to Alnilam, and followed by Mintaka. It is amazing to me the amount of arabic named stars still remain. Finishing with the Orion Nebula has the sword in the belt is just fantastic


This Week in Comics

The best comic in the industry right now. Whedon and Cassady continue to weave their magic on our favorite X-heroes. A bold new direction for my main man, Cyclops. We shall see if he remains this way. The emma conundrum plays out and a whooping cliff hanger to boot. Hope the finale is has good has the first 18 issues!

FINALLY, Bendis reveals where he is going with all this clone stuff. Goodness if you have kept up with my previous post you'll understand my frustration and relief. 6 issues into the clone thing and we finally have a clue. Love the Spider-Girl...too bad she can't stay around...it will be interesting to see how Bendis rids the world of the many clones. Interesting to also see what final thump Bendis pulls when this story arc is finished. Have to admit I've enjoyed the Bagley run but will be glad to see some new art.


Baseball Thoughts

In an article this weekend in the NYTimes by Alan Schwarz's Keeping Score he presents an interesting look at what is average. For my fantasy league I thought this might come in handy. If I can find players somewhat better than average I might have a hook? We'll see...


Bond...James Bond

Bond's 21st outting, Casino Royale, was a fantastic reboot of the beloved character. I am not a Bond expert but I have enjoyed all his films since my first movie going experience with "For Your Eyes Only". I often remember when Bond was the Sunday night movie of the week. I pleaded with my parents to be able to watch the whole film but they would always send me to bed. I ended up sneaking into the hallway to try and catch the whole film! Anyway having grown up with the Roger Moore version I always think of Bond this way. I think for the most part he was the most in between Bond. Not quite as savy as Sean Connery but certainly better than the Bonds that came after. With the arrival of Pierce Brosnan I thought the perfect Bond had been found. But with the new Bond film and Daniel Craig I am a believer that he is truly the best Bond since Connery. Seeing him portray the character really makes Brosnan's take a mere caricature of the Bond mythos. The outlandishness of the Brosnan films are really evident with this stripped down version. More character, more heart, more Bond. As the saying goes "every man wants to be Bond, and every female wants Bond." I give the movie 5 optic blasts. A great film and a great Bond girl too in Vesper. Although not your typical outlandishly beautiful Bond girl she does seem more real and thus a great role


Morimoto - Iron Chef

In Philadelphia for a couple of days and decided to treat myself to some exquisite dining. Morimoto's is the Iron Chef's first owned restaurant. I sat at the sushi bar and watched the chefs create all kinds of interesting items. Decided to be boring for the most part but started the evening with a Hazelnut Ale with some tempura shrimp sushi rolls followed by some soft crab sushi rolls. Yes call me a whimp no real raw seafood for me! After this I had a bowl of his chicken ramen soup and topped the evening off with some fuji apple dessert thingeee...yum yum good


This Week in Comics

Continues to be a good read. As with any DC comic book I just didn't grow up in the DC world so some of the intricacies are just plain lost on me. The mythology of the JLA is a bit unknown to me. I did read the Grant Morrison JLA and it was simple enough to get into but Metzer's is a bit over my head right now.

Ahhhh Batman...a character I so wish had good storylines and great action but alas nothing from Morrison so far. I mean Batman having a son is an interesting twist but the boy is so unlike Batman that trying to juxtapose the two is just not doing much for me. Especially since at the end of this issue it appears his son has moved on. So let me get this straight...he discovers a son, he hands out for an issue or two, and boom he's gone (?). Guess its nice to have it part of the mythos but come on to me it's pretty huge that there is a heir!

History repeats itself?#@#!* I thought the horrendous "Clone Saga" in the original marvel universe was bad enough but I guess we can state that the ultimate universe has its own saga. I was really looking forward to this story line but must admit it hasn't done it for me. As mentioned previously 100 was fluff and this issue is even more fluff! Come on Bendis stop dragging us along. Give us some meat something to grow on. I can only hope that with issue 102 we get somewhere with this...please?


Wired's Very Short Stories

In this month's Wired is a section on Six Word Stories. Fascinating read based on Hemingway's six word gem "For Sale: baby shoes, never worn". Much like the Haiku it is surprisingly exciting. Here are some of my favorites:

Epitaph: Foolish humans, never escaped Earth. - Vernor Vinge
It cost too much staying human. - Bruce Sterling
I'm dead. I've missed your Kiss...? - Neil Gaiman
The baby's blood type? Human, mostly. - Orson Scott Card
Time machine reaches future!!! ...nobody there... - Harry Harrison
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tick. - Neal Stephenson

Good stuff!


Sanity Returns

Well the American public has restored my faith in them (sort of...). While politics really don't affect me on a personal level I do think that how the world views us is important and frankly it has been embarrassing these past 6 years. To think we could have really made a real difference in the world after 2001 only to see egos and old scores to be settled. Let's hope the new Congress doesn't try to settle any scores and instead work towards some constructive ideals in domestic issues and come up with some real solutions in the Middle East. I think we need to repair our name in the world.


Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D

Movie for the weekend...the 3-Dification of the Nightmare before Christmas. An all time favorite of mine that hasn't lost anything in the transition. Great 3-D, great movie! By the way the more I hang in Florida the less I like. Disney is so fake. Ughhhh


Carrying the Fire

Well ever since my trip to the Kennedy Space Center 3 weeks ago I decided to reread one of my all time favorite books, Carrying the Fire, by Michael Collins. Growing up my desire was to be an astronaut. Having read every book on the space program I could find this one was the best! Having read it about 10 times I can still find some interesting nugget. Often overlooked because he was left behind when Neil and Buzz went to the moon I find his story to be the best and the most honest. Great read!



Graffiti artist, Banksy, has done some great work. His satrical work is an interesting mix. I especially like when he added artwork at musuems in New York. This is a recent work when he was in LA (check it out at www.banksy.co.uk)


Football Weekend

Traveling again...Orlando again. Football again

14 (OU) vs CU / OU won 24 - 3
13 1/2 AF vs San Diego St / AF loss 19 - 12 (no comment! grrrrr)
4 1/2 Denver vs (Cleveland) / Denver won 17 - 7

Oh well...vegas wasn't built on winners. Sometime I will have to figure the final standings. I'm in the middle of watching Chapter 5 of Heroes. Will give my thoughts tomorrow.


Heroes - Chapter 4

Hiro is becoming "the man". Nods to Rainman aside the ending was a jaw dropper. Also like the tattoo! "Save the Cheerleader" - yeah right!


Current Entertainment

Book Reading - The Confusion Volume 2 of the Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson

Netflix Cue - Star Trek Voyager Season 7

Magazines - New Yorker

TV - Heroes, Studio 60, Lost, The Office

Blogs - www.edwardtufte.com / www.processrecess.com / www.comicscontinuum.com / www.survivinggrady.com / www.ebay.com


Baseball's All Time Team

Sports Illustrated recently printed what they thought was Baseball's All Time Team. For the most part I'd agree but I do have some quesitions

John McGraw (Manager)
Joe McCarthy (Coach)
Casey Stengel (Coach)

Warren Spahn (Pitcher)
Dennis Echersley (Pitcher)
Cy Young (Pitcher)
Roger Clemens (Pitcher)
Lefty Grove (Pitcher)
Mariano Rivera (Pitcher)
Christy Mathewson (Pitcher)
Walter Johnson (Pitcher)
Sandy Koufax (Pitcher)

What about Seaver, Feller, or Gibson? (Throw out Rivera...Mathewson)

Yogi Berra (Catcher)
Johnny Bench (Catcher)
Lou Gehrig (1B)
Stan Musial (1B)...Musial was an outfielder go with Jimmie Foxx
Jackie Robinson (2B)
Rogers Hornsby (2B)...Joe Morgan by far the best 2B
Honus Wagner (SS)
Alex Rodriquez (SS)...Cal Ripken, A-Fraud has to do something more in the playoffs
Mike Schmidt (3B)
Joe DiMaggio (Outfield)
Ted Williams (Outfield)
Babe Ruth (Outfield)
Willie Mays (Outfield)
Ty Cobb (Outfield)
Mickey Mantle (Outfield)
Hank Aaron (Outfield)


Magnificant Desolation

I forgot to talk about the movie I saw when I visited the Kennedy Space Center. Titled "Magnificant Desolation" it was a fantastic vision of what walking on the moon was like. Narrated by Tom Hanks and viewed in 3D it was a fantastic film (of course juxtaposed against today's vision...but I digress). I give it 5 optic blast!


Friday the 13....or Comic Book Day

Yup...it has been two weeks since I have written a comic book report. Last week was a dead week, no comics of interest for me. This week we had some decent stuff. First off is Powers. Yup another Bendis written book. I have enjoyed this one since the beginning. The characters are great especially the play between Pilgram and Deena (and of course who could have forgotten the monkey issue!). Anyway this is a continuation of a previous story. Not much play on Deena's powers and Pilgram's new found powers. Good issue and one of the best comics letters pages in the business

Issue 4 of 6 continues the story within a story of the new adventures of the Escapist. The plot thickens as our heros are served and the hero is read is rights. The escapist makes a daring rescue of Luna Moth only to discover she is a trader (the story within the story). Can't wait to see how everyone escapes


Traveling Sucks!

Finally back home after a long 11 days...not quite sure where the time went and where my daily blogging went but I guess we do our best. Short post tonight as I am tired. Day off tomorrow...but one bit of wonder

I was at the Art Institute of Chicago about 2 weeks ago...seems like months ago...and came across a painting by Berthe Morisot...didn't think much of it at the time but something about the painting struck a cord in me and I realized I had seen another work of hers here in Denver. This painting created in 1879 captivated me and it is one of my favorites. Fancy that I should see another one and become transfixed as well. Well doing some research I discover that Berthe and I have the same birthday! Hmmmmm


Space...The Final Frontier

Still in Florida...decided to take a day off and do some touring. Stopped and visited the Kennedy Space Center. Haven't been there in almost 17 years. Hard to believe...last time I visited I was a month out from entering USAFA...I had dreams of being an astronaut...unfortunately that iteration of my life did not come to pass. If alternative realities do exist and that if one believes quantum physics and schrondinger's cat then somewhere there is a reality or dimension that exists that I did become an astronaut! But I digress...it was very hard visiting this time around. NASA has really fallen apart. It used to be a dream maker, an organization that let loose, that made a plan and worked a plan. I really don't blame the people of NASA...I believe they are still there and dream of a successful space program. I believe NASA is still suffering from their success in the 60s...they did so much so quickly that the government expects success. Unfortunately short sighted politicians and adminstrators have clipped NASA wings so that they have been handcuffed with a shuttle that was to deliver the world but is basically a failed attempt to making spaceflight normal. Not to offend the 116 successful flights in which NASA really did alot but ultimately just produced an agency alwasys looking for a goal in which to use the shuttle. Amazing to think that in 9 years we launched a man then put a man on the moon and to think in almost 40 years later we are still trying to make spaceflight common. Ughhhh frustrating and sad...ultimately just the epitome of this country...no longer willing to make sacrifaces or challenge to make a real difference in the world...just simply content to stay the course and not to get burn...where are today's Kennedy's? In years to come will we just be remembered for some Cold War proganda stunt?


Is it Friday Yet?

Hey Hey It's Friday! Still hanging in Florida. Orlando I've decided is a dump. Not a big fan perhaps I'm stuck in the boring part of town but oh well...I think I'll head to the coast on Sunday! Football this weekend

2 1/2 (AF) vs Navy Go Air Force, Sink Navy
5 Colorado vs Baylor I can't believe 0 - 5 Colorado is favored!

4 Denver vs Baltimore Low scoring game I believe but Vegas gives O/U at 33...

While wondering the grocery store today...guess what I found...Yup Howard Johnson's Toasties! Wow I used to love going to HoJo's and having Toasties, Fried Clams, Hot Dogs (not all at once, mind you).

Other thought of the day...listening to Colin Cowherd on ESPN Radio he made a good point...you should always try to improve yourself always try to learn something new to stay ahead otherwise if you plateau and feel comfortable others will be moving ahead and you will be moving backward. Plateauing is dying...stay ahead!


I've Disappeared!

Where'd I go? Well business travel as taken me places and I've had to deal with the wonders of internet access in hotels. As mentioned last post I was in Chicago...then I left for South Bend, Indiana. As a college football fan but not a Notre Dame fan I still drove around the campus just to see TD Jesus. Fascinating but the stadium isn't as big as I imagined. After Indiana I jumped off to Orlando. Ahhh the joys of Disney. Two comments about Orlando...too many tolls and wow lots of nuclear plants. Guess we know how Central Florida lights it lights!


Where'd Friday Go?

Well I missed a day...Friday got a bit busy as it was date night! Saw the Black Dahlia. Have to admit that I was not all that impressed. Scarlett was looking as good as ever. Recreating LA in the late 40s was also pretty good. The movie just seemed to try too hard. Characters were a bit stereo-typed and one dimensional. I'd probably say the book is probably better although I haven't read it.

Other things missed on Friday. Football spreads...

13 1/2 (AF) vs NMexico - Final score AF 24 - 7 although N Mexico did have a chance score a final TD (I was there...beautiful place to watch a football game...truly great atmosphere for normal college football)

16 (MU) vs CU - Final score 28 - 13 at least CU beat the spread that is about all they are going to do this year.

No Broncos football this week.

Where is Carmen Sandiego? Well I'm in the Windy City today. Taking a class taught by Edward Tufte (http://www.edwardtufte.com) Chicago is a nice city...this is the second time I've been here. The first that I actually had time to look around and check out the sites. Impressions:

Lake Michigan is a big lake!
Architecturally Great City!
Art Institute of Chicago!
Did't realize Soldier Field was right next to the Lake...boy it must get cold!

Check out Anish Kapoor's Cloud Gate at Chicago's Millennium Park...Specatular and goofy all at the same time...what a lovely surprise.

Spent a whooping 45 minutes at the Art Institute of Chicago...can't say I was happy about it but I did see the sights! Unbelievable pedigree of art...Wow! There are so many well known pieces of art it is almost unfair for other art musuem's Unfortunately the one piece I wanted to see...Nighthawks by Hopper was on loan to the Whitney Musuem...other pieces of note Frank Lloyd Wright's stainglass windows, Katsushika Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Van Gogh's Self Portrait, Grant Wood's American Gothic, Caillebotte's Paris Street, Rainy Day, Magritte's Time Transfixed, and of course Seurat's Ferris Buehler's Cameron's favorite pic. Finnally my final piece from the institute...the Monet room was unbelievable...I have seen the Water Lilies at the Modern in NYC but this was quite impressive. Being able to compare 5 haystacks was awesome seeing London in many views great. Overall a great museum!


This Week in Comics

Justice League of America #2 is Brad Meltzer's second issue into his run. Second issues are always tough because you start off with a bang then it leads into the dreaded second issue where the author has to bridge the gap. It is the ultimate bore because in this issue you have to actually explain where the storyline is going to go. Brad does a good job although it seems he is taking alot of liberties with the audience knowing alot of historical background. Beyond the Big 3 I have no ideal who the heck is Redd Tornado so basically I'm lost....

Issue 100...Wow! An impressive run that Bendis has put together. The Clone Saga seems somewhat forced to me...trying to tie into the normal Marvel universe. Good tie in to the overall saga but I was hoping for a bit more out of a momumental issue unfortunately it only leads to more questions. Not for sure where this is all going but I am sure Bendis will have a surprise for us...

Grant Morrison's Batman is okay. Not for sure where is he taking this...I have always trusted Grant on giving a good story so I will give him a chance. Batman having a son is interesting let's hope it doesn't fade away into typical comic sleight of hand trick.

Total filler issue...they need to find some continuity otherwise this comic is done..


Heroes...Check It Out

Frankly I am not a big TV fan especially since I survived reality TV. It appears networks have figured it out that reality isn't where it is at...thank god! It looks like dramas are making a come back. As mentioned I don't watch alot of TV but occassionally a show perks my interest and I will give it a ride. Alias was like that, the X-files, Twin Peaks, Friends...to name a few. Anyway when I saw the ads for "Heroes" and being a comic fan I figured it was my comicgeekdom in me that said to give it a try. I tried and I liked. It was a bit graphic but the overall concept has merit and I think I will come back for more so I can see how our heroes come together to save the world or at least New York City!


Dave Matthews Band

Today's music review is brought to you by The Dave Matthews Band. As a baseball lover I just had to get this! I love how the band jams and to play at Fenway Park in Boston well its just too good to pass up! If you have ever been to a baseball game at Fenway then you know that they play Sweet Caroline after the 7th inning stretch. My first experience at the Ballpark and then suddenly hearing 30,000 plus fans screaming a Neil Diamond song was just too much...anyway Dave does his rendition of the classic and it's great. Two shows, 35+ songs...great album(s).


Here We Go Again...

Monday....Ughhhh....Tired! All my teams beat the spread this weekend

AF vs Wyoming 31 - 24 (Wyoming by 1)
Georgia vs Colorado 14 - 13 (Georgia by 27)
Broncos vs Patriots 17 - 7 (Patriots by 7)

So far teams are 5 -1 against the spread. Interesting but not all that relevent. No movies this weekend. Went to the Rockies/Braves game on Saturday night and froze! September baseball in the Rockies! Did go to the Museum of Contemporary Art and saw the Extended Remix. A show portraying local Colorado artist. Fantastic goofy show...loved the artist who tries getting his work into the Guinness Book of Records for his art. He submitted his canvas painted white looking to get into the book as world's greatest art. He also sent in the lightest feather, the crumblest paper, and world's worst babe ruth fake autograph. Great stuff and the don't get me started about the Red Telephone!


If 6 was 9?

Running along today I was listening to my iPod and was listening to Jimi Hendrix....Words for today..

(yeah, sing a song bro...)
If the sun refused to shine
I dont mind, I dont mind
If the mountains ah, fell in the sea
Let it be, it aint me.
(well, all right)

Got my own world to live through and uh, ha !
And I aint gonna copy you.

Yeah (sing the song brother...)
Now if uh, six uh, huh, turned out to be nine
Oh I dont mind, I dont mind uh ( well all right... )
If all the hippies cut off all their hair
Oh I dont care, oh I dont care.

cause Ive got my own world to live through and uh, huh
And I aint gonna copy you.

White collar conservative flashin down the street
Pointin their plastic finger at me, ha !
Theyre hopin soon my kind will drop and die but uh
Im gonna wave my freak flag high, high !
Oww !

Wave on, wave on...

Ah, ha, ha
Fall mountains, just dont fall on me
Go ahead on mister business man, you cant dress like me
Yeah !

Dont nobody know what Im talkin about
Ive got my own life to live
Im the one thats gonna die when its time for me to die
So let me live my life the way I want to
Yeah, sing on brother, play on drummer

Play on Jimi, play on...

Football lines for the weekend

AF vs (Wyoming) 1
27 (Georgia) vs CU
Broncos vs (Patriots) 7

Have a good weekend...


This Week in Comics

Astonishing X-men 17 by Whedon and Cassaday came out this week and what can I say....WOW! It has been a while since a writer and artist have captured my attention. When Astonishing comes out I usually rush to the store to see what is in store for our merry mutants. This latest storyline with the return of the Hellfire Club has been spectucular. Although it's lineage can be traced back to the Phoenix Saga, Whedon pays homage to one of the best serials ever. Each issue has been a cliffhanger with me wanting more. Last issue it was the re-appearance (?) of the original White Queen...this issue...well not to spoil it but my comic hero comes through in a big way. Thank god, the return of the real Scott Summers! Thanks Whedon for making the X-men fun to read! Can't wait for 18!

Overall I think Brian K. Vaughan is the best writer going right now. All of his books are niche books that are tremendously written. The Runaways is the little book that could. Canceled a thousand times, it still plugs along. Just read that Brian is leaving the book with Issue 25 and guess who is taking it over? None other than Mr Whedon! Sweet! As mentioned this book is well written and the character interactions are what make this book special. They really don't fight any A list baddies but they do fight well among themselves. Great characterizations.

I admit I was a late starter on this series. As mentioned in my previous rant, I thought the whole Civil War thing was a gimmick trying to keep up with DC. Pitting Marvel heros against one another is an interesting scheme. Having Spider-man reveal his secret identity...big time! I figured if they were going all the way like this I'd better get in the know. Started last month with #3, decent read and have to admit I am with Captain America on this one. Book #4, well I'm really starting to doubt this whole Civil War thing. It seems too forced and not honest with the Marvel Universe...I feel (again) like their trying to DCify. This book had all kinds of wacky stuff...I cloned Thor!?, a dead mutant (is that 197 now?)!?, and finally an evil Avengers with Bullseye and Venom!? Come on how insane can this get (or how stupid). Oh well I used to like the Marvel world...



Met an old friend from high school tonight. Friendship is truly a wonderful thing that people don't put enough weight into. Where else can you not see someone for years but then see again and have a flood of old memories. U2, sneaking out at night, old boyfriends/girlfriends, old classes, the struggles (!) of high school. Good stuff!


Vegas Owes Me...Baby

Why do I have the standings posted? Why would I care that the Roxs are in last place with a pathetic 70 - 80 record? Well Caesar's Palace cares because they owe me! Yup that's right I am a pathetic baseball bettor. I put a whopping $20 on the Roxs to win more than 69.5 games. So for me, I'm done doesn't matter what they do the rest of the way...they met the magical number! Whoopeee


Thoughts for the Day....

Movie for the weekend...Everyone' Hero. A tale of the Yankees, Babe Ruth's Bat and a Talking Bat! Directed by the late Christopher Reeve it is a kid's tale about a boy and his love of the game. Decent kid movie, story, and presentation. Not a big Yankee fan (Go Sox!) but can't pass up a baseball movie that you can take your kids to! I give it two hmmmms.

Next one the agenda...ASU covered the spread and Broncos didn't but did squeak under the over/under ;-)

ASU 21 CU 3 (10 1/2)
Broncos 9 KC 6 (10 1/2 O/U 40)

And finally the quote of the year from The New Yorker September 18, 2006 issue page 45 bottom of the 1st column and I quote the quote, "I am sick of Karl Rove's Bullshit" attributed to William J Clinton...Thank you and I couldn't have said it any better




Well I made it through the first week of blogging! Whoopee. Just some random notes for the last post of the week. For curiousity sake I will be tracking football point spreads. So for this week I am tracking:

Arizona State vs. CU 10 1/2
Denver vs. KC 10 1/2 Over/Under is 40

On Monday I will update so I can track the spread. Finally for entertainment purposes I will be busy with Star Wars LEGO II. Call me a geek! Check out the details at Wookiepedia, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/LEGO_Star_Wars_II:_The_Original_Trilogy